
The database is one of the core features of Deskree. For each project, we create a separate database instance with the following features:

  • Automatically generated REST & GraphQL APIs with API documentation on the platform and in a form of postman collections. Also, you can access the API Docs menu and check Swagger to try out the available APIs. The data can also be accessed via our Javascript SDK.

  • Each database is protected by middleware, where you are able to configure permissions for each endpoint.


Database overview

On this page you have an overview of all the available tables that are part of your project. You can create as many tables as you need.

Create a new table

To create a new table is really easy. Just click on the "New Table" button to start the creation. Add as many columns as you need.

Manage a table

It's possible to enter a table and manage the columns by adding or deleting them. Also you can import data, export data and delete any table except the users table by clicking on the three dots menu each table have.

Search a table

To make it easy to find tables it's possible to use the search feature. That way within seconds you can find the table you are looking for.

Table overview

Inside a table you have an overview of all the columns, data, webhooks, api docs and other tools available.

Table data

On the table is possible to add data, and edit data. Right now, it's not possible to delete the data from the table page.

The columns that are in darker grey, can't be edited. You can only edit the columns that are in lighter grey.


Use the filter to quickly find data.

Last updated