Configure a Node


Configuring a node provides developers with the opportunity to set the values required by that particular node. It allows them to specify the necessary parameters or inputs needed for the node to function properly.

ION offers developers a user-friendly method for configuring the inputs of each node. This includes the ability to update the name of a node effortlessly, and if necessary, developers can easily refer to the documentation of a node for additional guidance.

How to configure a node

To initiate the configuration of a node, simply click on the pencil icon located in the header of each node. This action allows you to begin modifying the settings and parameters of the node as needed.

After clicking on the pencil icon, ION will display a drawer containing comprehensive information about the specific node. Within this drawer, you'll find all the necessary inputs for that node. Additionally, the drawer includes a documentation section where developers can review detailed information about each input, along with its purpose and usage.

Once you've completed the necessary configuration of your node, simply click on the save button to confirm and save the changes made. If, for any reason, you decide not to save the configuration, you can click on the cancel button or simply click outside the drawer to discard the changes.

Optional configuration

Some nodes may have optional inputs that are not always required. In this case the bigQueryConfig is an optional configuration. If a developer doesn't require a custom configuration for this option, they can choose to disable it, removing it from the node's configuration altogether.

Node documentation

The documentation section provides a comprehensive explanation of the purpose of the node, along with details about its properties and inputs required.

Additionally, you'll find information about both the step configuration and the node configuration. If you're familiar with the ION JSON editor, you can utilize it for further customization and fine-tuning of the node's settings.

Special Characters

Inside the node's configuration you will be able to use the syntax ${} or js/ to replace it with any value inside the context object.

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