

The concept of context becomes particularly crucial when structuring and creating a workflow. It acts as the backbone for the entire execution process, providing an extensive framework from which all elements within the workflow can operate. By having access to the full context during a workflow's execution, users are afforded a comprehensive view that is vital for the smooth functioning of their processes.

Parts of the context

Variables: ctx.vars

In the vars property, you can find all the variables the variable-setter node has set.

Environment Variables: ctx.env

In the env property, you'll see all the environment variables used when the workflow runs.

Config: ctx.config

In the config property, is stored all the node's configuration that where defined during the creation of the workflow.

Response: ctx.response

In the response property you will find additional information that will be usefull during the execution of the workflow.

  • : Is a mutable property that will be updated each time a node is executed

  • ctx.response.success a boolean property that indicated if the previous node was executed succesfully.

  • ctx.response.error a property that is populated when an error ocurre during the execution of a node.

Request: ctx.request

In the request property, you'll find the whole ExpressJS object. It has properties like request.params and request.query, among others.

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