
A GraphQL schema describes the data clients can request from a GraphQL API. It also defines the queries and mutation functions the client can use to read and write data from the GraphQL server.

This technology has two main concepts: query and mutation. While we use a query to get data, we use mutations to make data changes, such as creating, updating, and deleting it.

One of the many pros of using GraphQL is that you have one endpoint to make requests to any table you have, using POST as the request method. Another huge plus is that you can retrieve only the necessary data to fit your needs, making a request faster and lighter.


  • If you are using Content-Type: application/JSON in the request header, make sure that you are sending the body in JSON format.

  • If you are using Content-Type: application/graphqlin the request header, make sure that you are sending the body in GraphQL format.

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