Below you will find all existing AUTH APIs for your project. You can also download them as a postman collection from the API Docs page of your project.
base_url is equal to
Sign up with email and password
Sign up a user with email and password as credentials.
{"errors": [ {"code":"422","title":"Unprocessable Entity","detail":"Please provide sessionId, providerId, callBackUri, and either token or code" } ]}
{"errors": [ {"code":"500","title":"Internal Server Error","detail":"Error processing your request" } ]}
Invite user
Send an invite to a user via email. The system will first create a user in a disabled state until the invite is accepted via a link to be sent to the provided email.
Request Body
{"errors": [ {"code":"422","title":"Unprocessable Entity","detail":"The email address is already in use by another account." } ]}
{"errors": [ {"code":"500","title":"Internal Server Error","detail":"Error processing your request" } ]}
{// Response}
Verify invite
Endpoint to verify invitation based on oobCode and uid provided in the email sent to the user. The oobCode and uid are found in the password reset URL. Password reset URL has the following structure: {email_conf_url}?oobCode={oobCode}&uid={uid}.
{"errors": [ {"code":"500","title":"Internal Server Error","detail":"Error processing your request" } ]}
{// Response}
Reset password
Endpoint to reset the user password. The user will receive an email prompting him to change the existing password by following a URL. Note that you need to have a reset password URL specified in authentication settings in order for this endpoint to work.
{"errors": [ {"code":"500","title":"Internal Server Error","detail":"Error processing your request" } ]}
{// Response}
Verify password reset
Endpoint to verify password reset request based on oobCode provided in the email sent to the user. The oobCode can be found in the password reset URL. Password reset URL has the following structure: {email_conf_url}?oobCode={oobCode}
{"errors": [ {"code":"500","title":"Internal Server Error","detail":"Error processing your request" } ]}
{// Response}
Verify email
Endpoint to verify the email based on oobCode and uid provided in the email sent to the user. The oobCode and uid are found in the email verification URL. Email verification URL has the following structure: {email_conf_url}?oobCode={oobCode}&uid={uid}.
Request Body
{"errors": [ {"code":"422","title":"Unprocessable Entity","detail":"There is no user record corresponding to the provided identifier." } ]}
{"errors": [ {"code":"500","title":"Internal Server Error","detail":"Error processing your request" } ]}
{// Response}
Update email
Update the user email.
Request Body
{"errors": [ {"code":"422","title":"Unprocessable Entity","detail":"Please provide a valid email and password" } ]}
{"errors": [ {"code":"500","title":"Internal Server Error","detail":"Error processing your request" } ]}
{// Response}
Fetch email providers
Get a list of authentication providers for the given email.
{"errors": [ {"code":"500","title":"Internal Server Error","detail":"Error processing your request" } ]Sign up a user with email and password ascredentials.User emailUser password{"data": {"uid":"g16bsf2DN9X3CbGN1osmAjpHlF83","email":"","emailVerified":false,"disabled":false, "idToken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjUwYTdhYTlkNzg5MmI1MmE4YzgxMzkwMzIzYzVjMjJlMTkwMzI1ZDgiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.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.ch20lWIO6c26ZHi3Di1zPdGjfAQkndCKO-L17_lORswI6RY8sLrA8LHdkI1Tk73-fMpQJsEO5I9V_QYRToJ7GTRfc0lvgqCSxsWv8K9SQKg-rMfVKUcI9xASY3ol4ih-ezRXCcC0VtSb501iv161Vppa8fgmVd7qfHfO6efV50-ihPA_H6iGtpw-nejNdbuTAiBRd8VOjQApAeKp0Jr3sTS421u9eIlVPySllj4dyX-d5YReTLTGImN5noTs7yBQpj8rc63-TA3hS7BksSoXyHxcJVuKXS8DxeBJi_hmWTXXRFIfj938wnwMqBevmFzVbVTdpyjyP4RL0cISRXikBQ",
"refreshToken": "AIwUaOn0QXtzI0f_DbKca7QfoHnKhSlswIHoOuL5Hsrg-UGePN5aQID6giYWkvyMlLCk-67pVxNXC5yvoMuvhsTLab6FkSaCM2zK4vwxWplCAjMuTI_Ux7CVl3tTSexEjGd6NZQuNeKHYlI8zWPBLW4bvGtJ1Tc6NwpvIKRAi_ZNDl9Zcir0UDQQp_LPTuQu58F2ZIetfeG_oZB5rDbmo3F7uKOtsDihtywnZYHZm1C7E-Qp7GEWBc8",
"expiresIn":"3600" }}application/json{"errors": [ {"code":"422","title":"Unprocessable Entity","detail":"Please provide a valid email and password" } ]}{"errors": [ {"code":"500","title":"Internal Server Error","detail":"Error processing your request" } ]}}